Introducing the Aging Collaborative
The Aging Collaborative equips Senior Care executives with the capabilities to transform their organizations through a Strategy-as-a-Service platform.
Become a Member Today!
By 2030, the Senior Care industry will have transformed. What is your strategy?
Increase of 12M+ seniors in America by 2030
• Where will they live?
• Where will they get care?

A Whitepaper from the Aging Collaborative
The Next Big Thing in Senior Living
Across the Continuum & Into the Home

Reasons to join
Existing resources are inadequate
Gartner, Info Tech, and others are too expensive and do not line up with material support.
Need Strategy-as-a-Service
Gain support with robust strategic analysis to support with limited internal resources and time.
Aging Collaboration
Building a bridge to the next S-curve in Senior Care
Individual Members
Provide insights into current challenges
Optimize current day strategies
+ tactics
Convene to investigate
next S-curve
Community of Members
Validate discovery
and insights
Accelerate knowledge transfer
+ collaboration
Assign prioritization of collaborative focus
Collaborative Goals
Leverage Strategy-as-a-Service platform
Build against the
“Next Big Thing”
Join the Aging Collaborative to navigate the future of uncertainty with a next-in-class Strategy-as-a-Service membership.